Stem Cell

Stem cell

What are stem cells

Stem cells are undifferentiated cells that are not completely differentiated, and they are the organs that make up our bodies It refers to cells that have the ability to differentiate into cells in tissues.

While somatic cells increase their number or perform some function through simple division, stem cells make up our body through cell division and differentiation into cells of necessary organs or tissues, such as the brain, skin, cartilage, bones, Not only can various organs and tissues such as nerves and muscles be made, but they can also repair damaged organs or tissues. Stem cell therapies can utilize the existing tissue repair function of these stem cells to repair tissues Like pharmaceuticals, it has the advantage of not only improving symptoms but also providing more fundamental treatment.

Our company aims to research and develop therapeutic agents using umbilical cord-derived stem cells among these types of stem cells. Umbilical cord-derived mesenchymal stem cells are known to have no immune rejection compared to other stem cells and are also known to have excellent tissue repair functions.


Tissue Regenerative Effects of Mesenchymal Stem Cells


Vascular Performance of Mesenchymal Stem Cells

Functions and actions of stem cells

The function and action of stem cells

  • f01

    Immune regulation

    Restoring the function of immune-related tissue cells to normalize the immune system

  • f02

    Homing Effect

    The homing effect, typically observed in stem cell therapy, refers to the ability of stem cells to migrate to damaged tissues or areas, where they naturally locate themselves and exert their functions.

  • f03

    Blood vessel regeneration

    By regenerating damaged blood vessels, blood flow improves, ensuring smooth circulation

  • f04

    Wound healing

    Regenerating damaged tissue cells to heal wounds

  • f05

    Differentiation function

    Differentiating damaged tissue cells into healthy cells for regeneration

  • f06

    Apoptosis prevention

    Prevention of cell apoptosis within the human body

Stem cells are undifferentiated cells with the ability to self-replicate, and they have the potential to differentiate into over 210 types of tissue cells that make up our body.


Potential for treating various diseases and disabilities

Stem cells have the ability to develop into various types of cells, which is why they can be utilized for fundamental treatment of various diseases and disabilities.

Personalized therapy

Stem cell therapy can be tailored to individuals based on their genetic and physiological characteristics. This helps provide customized treatments that are optimized for each person, reducing the risk of immune rejection and ensuring personalized care.


Harvested from fat and requiring relatively less time and causing less pain compared to other treatments, the procedure is convenient.

The potential of future medicine

Stem cell therapy not only holds promise in current medicine but also opens doors to future medical possibilities. This treatment offers new approaches to conditions like cancer, heart disease, neurological disorders, and more. In the long term, it could contribute to improving human lifespan and health.

Stem cell therapy in South Korea

South Korea holds a prominent position globally in stem cell therapy and its applications.

Who might benefit from stem cell therapy?

  • n1

    /aesthetic treatments

    Anti-aging, erectile dysfunction, skin care, hair loss

  • n2

    Cardiovascular diseases

    Hypertension, myocardial infarction (heart attack), stroke, cerebral hemorrhage

  • n3

    Metabolic disorders

    Diabetes, foot ulcers

  • n4

    Central nervous system disorders

    Dementia, Parkinson's disease, cerebellar atrophy, multiple system atrophy

  • n5

    Inflammation and
    immune disorders

    Arthritis, spondylitis, atopic conditions

  • n6

    mental disorders

    Asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), depression, schizophrenia

BH Biotech Co., Ltd. is available.

We are currently developing therapeutic treatments using umbilical cord-derived stem cells. Umbilical cord-derived mesenchymal stem cells are known to have no immune rejection compared to other stem cells, and they are also known for their exceptional tissue regeneration capabilities.

Furthermore, BH Biotech Co., Ltd. possesses specialized technology to isolate, control, and store autologous stem cells tailored to individual characteristics.
Personalized cell treatments based on specialized technology are possible.